Friday 1 April 2016

What Scares me

When this project was first introduced to us I was really excited as I felt that this was a really great way to be creative. As time went on though I realised that this was going to be challenging for me. I don't like watching scary movies or tv shows because Im too sensitive and end up feeling too much of what I'm seeing. Ive always been really sensitive to Horror movies and find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. I feel the underlying messages in the movies and this tends to stick with me and I end up convinced the movie;s plot could really happen to me. This is something I have always struggled with since I was child.
My biggest fears as a child was being attacked, murdered, kidnapped. I was terrified of the dark, and ghosts and so horror movies was the last thing I was going to watch. My mum used to let me watch scary movies with my sister's when I was very young. I think she thought it was ok because I was with them, but it ended up giving me nightmares for years and I think traumatised me when I was younger. As Ive gotten older these fears haven't really left me, although I'm able to tell my self that its just fear talking. I do identify and understand though, how being around traumatic situations and/or scary situations as a child has made the feelings of fear deeper and how these experiences can in some way connect to your fear. I was around a lot of scary situations growing up and this, I think can lead to lingering fear in adult life. I, on the other end of the spectrum though, am quite a strong person and quite stubborn by nature so I have found that when faced with scary situations I can hold my own and can face my fears with strength. This helps with understanding the difference between fear and reality. 

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