Monday 18 April 2016

Creative makeup day and practise in the studio

So because I want more experience with photography, so I can document my work professionally, I decided to do a creative shoot. I really wanted the opportunity to let loose and design something on the spot. I had a basic idea of what I wanted to do with the hair and I found a piece of material and wrapped it around my model. I didn't have an idea for the makeup, But I knew I wanted it to be colourful and for their to have sparkle.

Im really happy with the outcome and the lighting and everything reminds me of the 70's disco theme. This was really important for me to experiment and be free, as I feel that this helps with your creativity and gives you the confidence to let go. I think mistakes are very important and allowing yourself to correct your mistakes as this allows you to grow and push you to push through creative blocks. I'm really happy with the turn out.

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