Thursday 21 April 2016

The wet look Hair, makeup and body

For my Claudia look I want to design a wet look to match her half Nymph half mortal Species. I am shooting on location and will be shooting a sequence where Claudia is drying off from her nightly swim. Its morning and she senses someone close by. She saves Quentin as he has been left for dead out in the sun light. I want her to look like she has just come from the water, so Im creating a wet look combining the skills I gained in Sues class. I want to use the sweat and pallor technique to create a wet look. In class we used Glycerin but I want to use baby oil. Glycerin can be very sticky and messy and can sting near the eyes. I find it quite hard to work with. Baby oil is a lot easier to manage and isn't sticky. It also gives a beautiful wet, glistening look to the skin, which is what I want Claudia to have. 
I also was looking into makeup for Claudia. True Blood's characters aren't shocking. The makeup is kept very southern. The supernatural characters look normal most of the time and I definitely want Claudia to look like any normal girl, but that has secret gifts similar to that of the other characters on the show. I feel that this is a very important aspect to the series. This is what makes the show so Identifiable. Also my final Images portray Claudia in the way she see's herself. I wanted the whole design of her and Quentin to be what she see's through her eyes. Even though they have a quite dysfunctional and addictive relationship, Claudia is in denial about this, so see's and remembers her and Quentin's meeting and further encounters her own way. Through rose coloured glasses. Her appearance in my final images is her representation. 

I have found some images that have inspired my Claudia Design. This has really inspired my makeup and hair design as I want it really shiny and glossy. The hair I definitely want to play with as I feel I could create a really interesting design just by playing with the wet hair and creating shapes on the body with it. 

I dont want to use bright colours though, as this doesn't fit my character. I want something a bit more mysterious looking. I think also, that because her surrounding landscape plays such a big part in her life, I want her makeup to reflect that. I want the colours to blend in with the landscape. I think it will make her look more animalistic that she is camouflaged with her environment. Like a sea creature is with the sea and a land animal is with the land that it inhabits. Below is a small mood board reflecting my desired colour palette.

Image Ref: 

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