Wednesday 13 April 2016

Inspiration for the backwater bayou nymph Character Breakdown.

When I think of True Blood and Louisiana, Where it is set, a lot of images come to mind. The first thing I think of is the Bayou's. The cyprus trees stretching tall over the water and the weeping willows blowing in the warm breeze. I think of the Landscape, the crocodile's, abandoned plantation homes and shacks by the road, Bar and grills, Diners, New Orleans, Voodoo, Blues, The sticky heat, the food. There is so much History in the south and so many cultures and heritages that have migrated there. Its full of atmosphere and I love the fact that True Blood has tried to show this in its long running series. 

All of this came to mind with this project as True Blood was my first choice and I felt instantly inspired when I started watching it again. I really wanted my character to have a connection with the landscape and certain powers. There are so many different supernatural characters in the series and in series 4 They brought in 4 new species so I decided that this would be the season My characters would be brought in. I decided that Quentin would have already been apart of the series and that he would be given a bigger role as the connection to my Nymph character of Claudia began. She would be brought in as another species in season 4. 
I knew I wanted Quentin to be a vampire but I wasn't sure who I wanted Claudia to be. I began by looking through the brief to see what characteristics would have to be. I decided to use a creative licence and alter this brief to fit with the True Blood Series. After researching Louisiana and watching True Blood I started reading up about the myths, folklore and superstition in Louisiana. There is a lot of superstition around the spirits of the water, which I have spoken about in a previous post. I immediately thought of a water nymph character.  Because of her connection to both water and land being half mortal, I decided that because water symbolises emotions, She could control emotions of all living creatures. This would give her the upper hand over the vampires as she could control all land and water animals. I made her a similar species to Sookie's fairy character but a different type of fairy. She happened to be more powerful as she could read all creatures thoughts as well as control them. It was important to me that she is a strong character and has the upper hand against Quentin. He needs to see something in her that challenges him so that he can make the connection with her that lasts.  

I also liked the idea that she slips through fantasy and reality and her weakness is loneliness. So because of this she has developed a lot of obsessive tendencies. She can completely control Quentin which he loves and is drawn to her for, But she is drawn to him because he wants her and she cant bear to be alone. She thinks he is magical and was dropped on her Doorstep for a reason. She can control him if necessary but most of the time she lets him have his free will. She wants him to choose to come back to her which of course he always does. I think because of her powers she is his equal. They both have had really difficult backgrounds and this has affected them greatly, But this connects them and binds them together. They have an understanding of one another. 

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