Thursday 21 April 2016

Claudia Face charts

I had three designs for my Claudia character. I wanted to keep with the same colour palette but play with the arrangement on my models face and see what best suited my character and what was the most practical for her environment. It was important to me that her makeup was an extension of her character. Claudia is a woman who lives in her own head a lot and has created her own world within her environment. However she is still connected to the outside world, through the other characters she  associates with. I wanted her to look to the audience as the woman she sees herself to be. She is very mysterious to everyone and I also wanted to portray this. This represented with the dark colour palette I used. Dark contouring, Dark eyes, nude wet lips, and a lot of shadows. I knew by the second design that I wanted her hair to be wet and her skin to be wet also. I think this represents her being able to live in both water and land. I thought also that wet hair and skin, sweat and hot look has always been a seductive tool for the true blood creators. I feel it adds to the sexy feel of the show and works with the climate. 

Design 1:

I was playing with shapes around the eye for this design. I definitely wanted to make the make up more characteristic as this is a great way to portray her personality on the outside. I love the colour palette with this but I feel that this look is too 'neat' and reminds me of an application you might see on Instagram, which isn't what I wanted. The eye shadow split near the outer corner is too detailed for the look I wanted so I think I will play with a lot of shading in my next design! 

Design 2: 

I'm really pleased with this design. I love the woodland feel to this makeup. I definitely feel the 'nymph' part of her in this. I love the contouring in this design and feel this is a great way of bringing out my models features as she has great cheek bones. I have to say though that I don't like the dark lips with this design as I don't feel its very practical for my character. I feel that it makes her character look really obviously dark, when I have designed her character to be beautiful and soft looking on the outside but with darkness in her psyche that is portrayed in expressions. I also want the look to be somewhat natural and wet looking. Focusing on glossy makeup all over the face and body. I do think I will use this though but I will change the lips to a nude gloss. I think that will create a softer look and also look more Nymph like.

Design 3:

I love this look a lot. I love the blending and think this would look beautiful on my model, however I do feel this is too mainstream and modern and I do want my character to look other worldly. I will take the nude lips and add them to my 4th and final design, now that I know what I want my final design to look like. I will have a look for some more inspiration to finalise my end design. 

I'm happy with the progress Im making with this character. I feel that I'm on the right track and getting closer to my final character design.

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