Wednesday 13 April 2016

Quentin Face and hair charts

Design 1:

For Quentins character he has just been dragged from the hillbillies truck to the river bank and covered in silver. In true blood sometimes when the vampires have been silvered, they cry blood, so I wanted to play with this a little bit. True Bloods make up is quite subtle to make it look as approachable as possible. I like this idea so Im going to look at a few more to see where I can take it. 

Design 2:

For this one I just wanted to get creative and really gory. I had a look at some of True Bloods injurys and they were sometimes quite intense when they were silvered. The skin sometimes peeled back and revealed raw flesh and tissue so I was going to try this. Once I had drawn this out I felt that it was too much for my final design. I want the image to be a memory of how Claudia pictured there meet and because she is quite in denial about there relationship she wouldn't remember it like this. so I have decided to strip it back and create something that will balance well with not just Claudia but the landscape too as I feel this is an important aspect to keep in mind.

Design 3:

I like this one the best as its quite subtle. He still looks injured but he also looks beautiful which is how she would remember him. I also feel that he would look really good with Claudia and the back ground too. I will probably use this as my final design as I think this is the most laid back and fitting with what I want my end image to look like.

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