Thursday 14 April 2016

My hair plans for Quentin

For Quentin's final hair design I was inspired by the models hair. Ben has afro caribbean hair and he wears it long and brushed out, which I love. Its so beautiful to work with and I think his look fits beautifully with the series as it's a unique look.

I thought of a lot of different styles when I was designing this look. Here below are my designs and the thought process behind them.

Design 1:

For my first design I wanted to go a little crazy and make him look really different and cool. I remember years ago seeing a music video with Andre 3000, and he had this really cool style with his hair. He had some braided and the rest natural and brushed out. I loved it and this is what came to mind when Designing Quentin. I think it would suit Quentin's cool exterior and attitude. The only negative would be the fact that it might drift the focus to just him and not to both characters equally. I am doing a group shot, but If I was doing individual shoots I would definitely use this style as I think it would look really quirky and cool. I'm thinking of using this in future shoots. 

Design 2:

The style is what I'm really drifting towards. I love how natural it is and I feel that because the shoot is focused on the 2 characters fitting with the landscape and background This would be perfect. In the photo's I want it to be almost from her perspective and she remembers the beauty of him. He's just been left to die there But she only remembers the way he looks and there 'meeting'. This looks simple but thats what I want for this shoot. True Blood's character designs aren't over the top as the people are from a small town. I think just the natural afro is cool enough and creates an entire look on its own without having to create some crazy style. I think that the balance of the image would be perfect with simple makeup and hair and just the natural landscape. I'm definitely drawn to this design for the natural aspect. I would just brush his hair out and mess it up a bit to look full and natural. I want him to look beautiful as because she's a little delusional she will only remember the good bits and the memorable bits. 

Design 3:

This design I had the idea to really mess him up and make it really gory so I wanted the hair to match that. I thought of messing his hair and making it dishevelled and full of bark and leaves from being dragged around. I was going to make it look really violent. When I drew out all of the designs I realised what worked and what didn't. I feel that this look is too much for what I want for my story. I want him to look perfect, as this is what Claudia see's. She only remembers him looking perfect and has created him from the thoughts she is picking up from him in her mind. You as the viewer are seeing what she thinks she see's. So this design didn't fit that criteria. I also don't think this would be well balanced in the image.

I'm definitely feel drwan to design 2 as this feels the most appropriate for the story I'm telling.

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