Tuesday 1 March 2016

The first half of the semester brief and intro.

For the first half of the second semester we were given our brief. We were asked over Christmas to pick a book from the list given to us by Kat. The list was of classic Gothic Horror novels.

  1. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  2. Dracula
  3. Great Expectations
  4. The Strange of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  5. Frankenstein
  6. The Fall of the House of Usher
  7. The turn of the Screw
  8. The Castle of Otranto
  9. The Mysteries of Adolfo
  10. The Monk
  11. Jane Eyre
  12. Northanger Abbey
  13. Vathek
  14. Wuthering Heights
  15. Carmilla 
We were then asked to choose a book that we were drawn to and write a review about it. This was our first introduction to the Gothic Horror brief. We were then asked to choose a character and write a review about our character, whilst also collecting every piece of information that we can of our chosen character. 
We then had to create a new Gothic Horror blog and post our information and review to this blog. 

I'm really looking forward to this project and whats to come as I feel this subject to be dark and interesting and a really interesting subject due to its deep psychological background and influence. All of these stories have a dark message. I'm also looking forward to reading my chosen book 'The picture of Dorian Gray', as I haven't ever read it before but I know that it has a huge following and that its a very respected novel in the world of literature.

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