Monday 22 February 2016

Props and styling in my Final Design:Dorian

Mens Fashion tells a lot about what era The film or programme is set in. When you watch a series or a film you can usually tell what era it is set in just by the clothes they are wearing. They were very tailored and dressed head to toe with class and stature. Canes, top hats, and neck scarfs were the accessories of the time for men of upper society.

For my version of Dorian Gray I want to incorporate this into my character design. Dorian Gray was a part of high society at the time the story is set. His Appearance is extremely important to him and he understood the importance your clothes have on the way you are perceived in society. He is a very vain character and he had the money to have every new suit tailored just Perfectly. He kept up with fashions of the time and I want this to show in my final Image.

I asked Ben my Model for this assignment if he had any suits he explained he didn't so I have decided to get one from the Internet and get him a nice neck scarf as this is mentioned a lot in the story. I also want to look for high collar grandfather shirts to see if I could get a cheap one. This was a popular style shirt in the Victorian era. Men would wear them with a neck scarf and well tailored suit. This was a popular thing when wore in the Victorian era so I feel that this would be a good indicator to my audience of what era my movie is set in. I might see if either I can borrow a suit jacket in Ben's size or see if I can get one in a Charity shop. If not I might also try adapting a regular mens shirt to look like the high collar shirts worn in this time.

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