Saturday 6 February 2016

Cuts and Bruising with Sue Mainstone

Today in Sue's lesson we learned about cut and bruises and importance of continuity. Sue talked about The movie industry and the continuity between scenes. With cuts and injuries continuity is the most important thing. Sometimes there are hours, days and weeks between takes and they can also be held in different settings. Its important that you do your research and take loads of pictures of your work so that your works looks the same each time you do it. There is nothing worse then seeing a cut move from shot to shot. 
Sue then walked us through a demonstration. She talked about the different products she uses and the technique needed for this type of work. 

Health and Safety.

  1. Cover your model with a cape.
  2. Wash you hands
  3. Check that your client has had an allergy test. 
  4. Make sure your work space is clean, clear of rubbish and organised.
Tools and products.
  1. Cine-wax
  2. latex
  3. sealer
  4. black stipple sponge
  5. wound filler
  6. cuts wheel, bruise wheel, Ben Nye
  7. Collodian Charles Fox
  8. Tuplast
  9. Hair dryer
  10. Palette Knife
  11. Acetone
  12. Aged Blood in dark
  13. Cotton Buds
  14. Palette
  15. Makeup Brushes
  16. Paint Brushes
  17. Couch roll
  18. Tissue


  1. Apply the wax with a palette Knife. You can use a knife to blend this out.
  2. Layer it depending on the deepness of the desired cut
  3. Then using the palette knife, you make the cut by slicing through the wax.
  4. Cover and seal it with latex, in thin layers using the dryer to dry the wax in between. 
  5. Wait until the latex has gone clear.
  6. You then cover with foundation. Use a few shades to give a natural coverage.
  7. Then using a pin you put the wound filler in the cut
  8. You can then fill with blood and create scratches with the stipple sponge.
  9. Go over with a bit more colour to get depth from the cut.


I really enjoy doing SFX makeup although I do find it really difficult as the technique doesn't come naturally. Latex I find really hard to work with. I am definitely going to practise this so that I can really master the technique. Im looking forward to learning more about SFX makeup.

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