Tuesday 9 February 2016

Mens Beauty in Victorian Times.

In the Victorian era it seems that Male beauty and vanity was just as important as women's. Although there clothes weren't as elaborate as the women's, and may not have donned feathers and other elaborate accessories, they had a particular style and used what they had to make a statement. Mens appearance, at this time, was very significant when it came to showcasing there wealth and position in society. The way you dressed told people what you did for a living. It told people your social position. They needed to wear the latest fashions in the latest colours, patterns and materials. They would also play with the hairstyles and moustaches. Sideburns were also very popular at the time. 
In the Victorian era, it was probably one of the first times it was fashionable in society to have shorter hair. they would part it and usually style it slicked back and usually in a side parting. They would comb it with oil to create the perfect coif. This would then be accessorised by there beards and sideburns which I have shown below. this is the first time men were getting really creative with there facial hair.  


I love this era for hairstyles and interesting beards. I feel like you can create a lot of different looks. I feel like they used there beards because they could accessorise in the same way as women. 
I wanted to have a look at this to see what I can incorporate into my final Design. Ben (my model) Has just grown his beard so has offered to shave it for the final design. I wanted it to be correct period wise so luckily there are so many different styles that I can use to create Dorian as a more sinister character. 

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