Monday 22 February 2016

High Definition Television: How it affects Makeup and hairstyling for the media

High Definition Television:
    " HDTV is a digital TV broadcasting format where the broadcast transmits widescreen pictures with more detail and quality than found in a standard analog television, or other digital television formats. HDTV is a type of Digital Television (DTV) broadcast, and is considered to be the best quality DTV format available."
    HDTV has greatly improved the the viewing quality of television shows and movies of today. Everything is magnified and the clarity means that you can see every blemish mark, tiny pore, tiny hair, wrinkle and skin imperfection of the actress/actor on screen. Because of this the makeup artist is under more pressure to create a seamless and perfect application to make sure the viewer doesn't get distracted by the makeup and be able to connect more with the program/movies story.  
    Skin Issues can create a lot of problems when it comes to HDTV. In the past low resolution viewing helped makeup artists and worked with them to create flawless looking makeup. It helped prosthetic and special FX makeup seem more realistic, Lace hair fronts disguised and blood effects look real. Caked makeup, heavy cream makeup application and heavily concealer helped actresses/actors look younger for longer. HDTV has changed all of that. The high resolution picks up every skin flaw and breakout. Every wrinkle is displayed and makeup has to be applied lightly and evenly but with full coverage to make the actor/actress's skin look flawless. This means that the MUA techniques and to be even more superior than they ever have been. We now all see the stars real skin quality instead of what was shown to us in the past. Gone are the days when the viewer thinks the stars skin is perfect. HDTV has exposed the truth about actor/actress's skin condition's. 
    Skin preparation is another key element. It is vital that you use the correct moisturisers, foundation types and powders depending on the talents skin type and condition. A good understanding of skin types and conditions is extremely important when it comes to makeup application for television. You need to know how to problem solve and this only comes with knowledge. You have to keep a close eye when filming begins so that you can spot any mistakes or imperfections with the makeup and correct them accordingly. Colour matching is vital also as this really shows on screen and smooth eye application. With HDTV all mistakes are even more visible on screen. All products and tools need to be well researched and properly used to make sure you know what your doing. 
    Airbrush makeup application is becoming a lot more popular with TV makeup artists as the way the Airbrush makeup is broken down and sprayed on the face in tiny dots that overlap means that the actors skin looks clean and natural and the makeup doesn't look like it is just sitting on the skin. The aim is to make the makeup look like skin. 
    Knowledge of camera and lighting setups is vital to any makeup artist as this means you know what works with what. You know what lighting settings, camera settings and makeup look good together and this also helps with problem solving. Technology is growing everyday so its important to keep up to date with it so that you can adjust and expand your makeup application skills accordingly. 
    learning this was really interesting as I didn't realise how important this was before. I will be taking this in to account when I create my Final look for this Continuity project. 
    Reference: Suzanne Patterson, (2009), The impact of high resolution media and makeup, Creative Artistry and FX, available from:

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